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by Pointlocals


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Pointlocals is a local business search engine.
With this app, you can quickly get access to various business locations in Hyderabad like Hospitals, Groceries, Banks, Restaurants, Salons, Electronics, Hardware Shop, Fitness Centre, Beauty Parlor, ATM, Fuel Stations, Mobile Shops, Jewelry Shops, Restaurants, Clothing shops, College, Clinic, Footwear stores & many more.
You can now see all the business locations around you in Hyderabad without being missed in our App.
You can also find your Business location either in the app itself or visit https://pointlocals.com and claim it to reach more customers.

--> Are you looking for a simple & powerful Business location directory in Hyderabad?
--> Are you tired of finding local business addresses in Hyderabad?
--> Are you looking for a Pocket app that guides you about locations in Hyderabad?
One simple answer for all these questions is Pointlocals App.
Come and join our Pointlocals App in finding all the local businesses situated in Hyderabad.

We have a massive Business Directory of Hyderabad by collecting & storing all the local business information in our App. You can access this information for free from our App.
You would find the local businesses along with their latitude, longitude, address, phone number, and much other info such as business category and their services and the description of the company.
Upload any Business location or shop name with its Exterior photos in Pointlocals App to get paid.
You will get Rs.6 per upload, and Rs.11, if you upload and share it on your social page.
We Shall credit the amount to your Paytm account after successful verification, within two working days.

App Highlights-
With the pointlocals App, you can-
Improve your online visibility
Connect with consumers fastly
To increase Brand Awareness
Get Discovered easily
Increase your Business Performance
Improve your Sales
Increase Online Search Ranking

Usage of Pointlocals App.
For Searching Locations:
-> Open App
-> Next, Click on the Map icon next to the Dashboard icon
-> Next, Type the required Business Location or category in the search box
-> Next, Select your Preferred suggestion to get the results.

For Adding New Locations:
-> Open App
-> Next, Click on Add New Location button
-> Next, Enter or type the Business Location Name
-> Next, Enter additional details if possible
-> Next, Take two business Location Pictures from outside.
-> Next, Share the given link on your social profile to avail additional Rs.5 Credit.
-> Upon Successful verification, You will be receiving a reward of Rs.6 for uploading a location & Rs.11 for uploading & sharing the picture on your Social media page.

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