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Ramhoo Social Network Chat

Ramhoo Social Network Chat

by Dotlions

Ramhoo Social Network Chat
Ramhoo Social Network Chat
Ramhoo Social Network Chat
Ramhoo Social Network Chat
Ramhoo Social Network Chat

Live chat, Real time Notification, comments
Photos, Photo Albums : give your members to upload photos with albums
News Feed : Display posts from people you are following and who you have as friends
Profile timeline: Display your posts on your personal profile
Events: Movies, location,Musics, Games, Photos. e.t.c
Share: Share posts from others to your timeline and friends
#Hashtags: Use #hashtags in your posts, comments e.t.c
Trending topics: This display what’s hot to your member base on the hottest #hashtags
Likes: Like posts, pages
Pages: Create fan page, allow your friends and followers to like it
Follow: Follow celebrities, popular people to get there messages
Message System: Send private messages to your friends and also set privacy for who send you message
Community: Create communities, invite your friends to join, you can create both private and public communities
Games: Let your members play games, add games, likes games, e.t.c
@Mention: Mention your friends in a post, or @mention somebody to send a message to the person
Post with: When you are with your friend, let your other friends know about that when you are posting
Link Preview: when you post links, details like title,description are pull and displayed
Invite Friends: Invite friends with there emails, with record, so once they join they will be added to your friends list
See what your friends are doing in a real time
Real time check of new activities from your friends
…..Much more
Chat System
1. send your friends message through the chatbox
2. Ability to chat with three friends at a time
3. Send images through the chatboxes
4. Emoticons share with your friends
5. Detect when your friend is typing or not

Terms and condition: http://www.ramhoo.com/terms

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