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Virtual Tags

Virtual Tags

by MIa Foto


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Virtual Tags
Virtual Tags
Virtual Tags
Virtual Tags
Virtual Tags

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※ Full support for the ARKit library.
※ Leave behind your messages at any place, time or connection status.
※ Viewing news in augmented reality as floating clouds.
※ Gather the moments of your life as you experience them.
※ Share your images and graphics in augmented reality (inApp feature).
※ Create a localized buzz for a business.
With location updates in the background, you can use the app badge to stay up-to-date with nearby clouds and pre-poll clouds in the background to get a faster experience at the price of faster battery discharge.
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Would you like to share your opinion with others during a walk in a park or just in Rome on the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral? With Virtual Tags, you can post messages wherever you want: you can leave a message at the door or on the wall, or even in a corner of your favorite club where you met the girl! The message is saved and later remains exactly at the point where it has virtually pinned. Just open the application to discover what other people have written in the same place, or save a message that can be sent to the virtual world right away or as soon as it's connected to the network!
Thanks to Virtual Tags, you can add information to the real world: leave a message if you've lost something, hang a love message in a special place, or you can leave a message only visible to a specific recipient or just find yourself A new way to advertise your products.
Virtual Tags allows you to send and receive news environment-inclusive, without limitation of time, space or wire! Save your message and if there is no internet connection, the message will be delivered when you reconnect
VirtualTags from monuments to the beaches, from national parks to squares, the world like a big table without any restriction!
Save your words and spread them and be ready when the "cloud" hits them.

Virtual Tags make it easy to lose your head in the clouds!

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