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News Prime

News Prime

by brandnexa


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News Prime

News Prime is a personalized >news aggregator that captures what's happening in the world and stay informed with the latest news, local news, world news, top trending news, national news and daily news updates.
Get breaking news alerts, topical debate exclusive interviews, analysis, and features from award-winning journalists of almost all news networks. Stay up-to-date on the topics that matter to you. Now you can stay informed anywhere, any time, with News Prime!

Key features

Breaking news ticker.
- A live news ticker will allow you to stay up to date with what's going on, while browsing through the app, which will allow you to stay up to date with all the latest events that are going on in the world.

* Summaries of all breaking news.
- This news is consolidated to be read in a few minutes. Below the summarized news is a link to the complete news in brief.
- This will help users to stay up-to-date on most of the latest news on the go.

News categories:
- Based on your interests, you have the option of selecting a wide range of news categories like Sports news, latest tech news and reviews about technology and automotive products, Indian political news, political campaigns, world politics, other political news, business news, stock market updates such as Sensex, BSE, NSE, nifty, mutual funds, etc., latest entertainment news, latest scoop on your favourite stars and latest blockbuster films and music and many other categories.

Other features

* Instant Push Notifications.
- Receive the latest news as it unfolds, get the latest breaking news headlines and world news updates on a diverse range of topics. You can also personalize and receive notifications only from the categories you choose.

* Share the news.
- Found some interesting news or breaking news? Share the news with your friends and family.

* Follow topics.
- You’ll get personalized news updates when there’s any latest news related to your following topics.

* Read News in your own language.
- Select your preferred regional language to read the news.
- Kindly drop a mail to the email ID below, in case you need your preferred
language to be added in the app.

Discover the latest news from popular Indian metropolises and towns. We bring you the latest headlines from around the world.

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