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My Shared Receipts

My Shared Receipts

by Saham Ghazavi


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My Shared Receipts
My Shared Receipts
My Shared Receipts
My Shared Receipts
My Shared Receipts
My Shared Receipts

Who Owes Who and How Much.
My dad pays for me so get it from him.
It's Transferred to Tom. Get it from Tom.

Add an event and people all at once.
Search events by event's name, event's detail or people's name in events.

Add receipts to any event by selecting payer, payees, description of the receipt ,amount and an optional photo of a receipt.
See all receipts in one place and tap on each receipt to see details about it. You can edit a receipt to add.remove a new people to/from the payees list. Add a photo to it if you didn't do this when creating a receipt.
Search receipts by payer's name, receipt's date and receipt description.

See each individual's share in each event event by just tapping the appropriate person's name in People tab.
Pay off all debts or even partial amount with a single swipe.
Tap on information button to reveal more details about that particular share .
Add people from other events or and a new person in People tab.

To create family : Go to Family tab then tap + button. Select the event to which you are going to add a family.
Select the head and one or more members. Family members do not owe anyone including their head. All shares are payable to/from each family's head.

Transfer share to a different person: If Brian doesn't see Tom frequently and Tom owes Brian, the share can be transferred to a John. Now Tom pays the John and John will pay Brian. All happens without you noticing. Simple tap on Tom or Brian names to see the share between these two people. Tap on that row and pick John.

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