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Magic Subtraction

Magic Subtraction

by Theertha Info Solutions

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Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction
Magic Subtraction

A good understanding of addition, subtraction, and place value is crucial for strategies in multiplication, division, fractions, algebra, and statistics. Students initially use counting to solveaddition and subtraction problems. They then start to think strategically, first with smaller whole numbers, then with larger ones, and later with fractions, decimals, and integers. Children shouldmaster the basic facts of arithmetic that are essential components of fluency in mental computation. Being able to add and subtract within twenty, multiply and divide within hundred is essentialduring the early years of schooling, and the basic facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are a critical baseline.

This software helps children learn subtraction in an innovative and interactive way using conceptual level learning techniques such as number decomposing or taking away numbers or groups of numbers -Eliminates finger counting !. We have clearly illustrated the said concept using multimedia as our communication vehicle, for the transfer of math logic and angry boy game, programmes subtractionlogic in user’s brain. Subtraction App helps children learn subtraction with lot of Fun and Joy. Subtraction concepts are illustrated by real life examples using latest state-of-art, which not onlyevaluates kid’s maths-knowledge but also gives them a clear cut understanding about the math logic behind it. Easy Tricks such as number bonds, eliminates finger counting.

Each menu provides many interactive sessions that focus on developing conceptual understanding of the highlighted math facts. One menu is a Gamification link, programming user’s maths logicpermanently in brain. Other links, exploring real life subtraction facts, provides a language-based or hands-on exploration of the new set of facts. The activities in this application employ variedinstructional techniques, including the use of manipulatives, visuals, tables, games, ensuring that students experience subtraction facts in diverse ways and that each student will be likely toexperience these facts in a way that makes sense to him.


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