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Lakshmi Vaults

Lakshmi Vaults

by Lakshmi Vaults


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Lakshmi Vaults
Lakshmi Vaults
Lakshmi Vaults
Lakshmi Vaults
Lakshmi Vaults


Store, organize & share your identities, documents & passwords more securely with family, friends and teammates.

Safe Storage & Secured Sharing:

Keep confidential documents, identities, medical reports, business proposals, quotations, bank account details, credit card details or any other important documents in your mobile app safely and share it securely with the click of a button.


With Lakshmi Vault, you no need to search for emails to get the passwords. Simply store it in the password manager and access it at any time and anywhere.


Utmost Privacy:

Your privacy is our top priority. Lakshmi Vault is a smart wallet to secure the personal information and passwords at your mobile. You can add unlimited users, share documents, manage family & work necessities (files & documents) from your mobile app. Your private documents & passwords are securely stored in the vault and are accessible only by you.


Stay Organized:

Get a complete picture of your identities, medical reports, passwords, bill payments due etc., in the dashboard. It shows all the categories and alerts in a single window.


Real-time Notification:

  • Keep track of all your activities like the shared passwords or documents with the help of “Notifications” tab.

  • Get the real-time notification when sharing the document and get notified if any updates happen.


Powerful Search:

No more shuffling through files looking for that one missing document or password. The search feature will help you to find your information quickly from the whole app. This could actually save your time and effort.


Customized Convenience:

With Lakshmi Vault, you can create your own category, and share the specific documents with your family members, friends and teammates.

  • Store and categorize all your personal information, documents and passwords in an easy-to-manage category.

  • This app could actually simplify your life, it stores all your identities, documents, passwords in your mobile app. Have your important documents and passwords wherever you go!

Share with Teams & Families:

Sharing documents with your family has never been easier and more secure. You can share the medical reports, identities, property documents with your family members with the click of a button.

  • Add all your accounts - family, team or individual in the Lakshmi Vault and see all your information in one place

  • Easily share cards between accounts


Stay Safe:

Lakshmi Vaults is Trusted, Functional & Safe! Lakshmi Vaults runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the largest and most secure infrastructure provider in the world.


Absolutely Free (FOR LIFETIME)

Everything we do at Lakshmi Vaults, the products and services we offer are to satisfy the desire to have a secured future, that’s why we provide you with the best-secured features absolutely free to all to ensure the secured future!



  • Secured login - Password protected.

  • End-to-End encryption.



  • You need a mobile number and email for login

  • Internet connection is required (since your data is stored in the AWS cloud)

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