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Ghost EVP Radio

Ghost EVP Radio

by Exelerus

Ghost EVP Radio
Ghost EVP Radio
Ghost EVP Radio
Ghost EVP Radio
Ghost EVP Radio
Ghost EVP Radio
Ghost EVP Radio has been developed for exciting paranormal detection and exploration. We've put a lot of effort into making the app fun and easy to use, so that both professional and enthusiast paranormal researchers and ghost hunters can enjoy it. If you are either easily frightened, a super skeptic or have a serious heart-related medical condition, you are probably better off avoiding this app. Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) is the collective name for the sounds found on electronic recording and reminiscent of human speech, but that also is not the result out of conscious recording or manipulation. These sounds are usually found in recordings with noise, poor radio reception and background noise, and is considered by many to be the voices of paranormal entities such as ghosts, spirits and daemons. This app takes the traditional ghost box concept to the next level: During a radio session, a variant of of Brownian noise (also known as red noise) is generated. The noise is amplified, filtered, and manipulated to provide a 100% random signal. As with traditional ghost boxes, this type of signal seems inviting and sensitive to the paranormal, which makes it perfectly suitable for EVP. The signal is processed in real-time, in order to identify meaningful phrase- and word patterns. Other properties of the communicating entity are also determined, such as mood and gender. In the final stage the application generates audible speech based on the processed data. The application also allows you to record your paranormal encounters, and share them with friends and family. Visit our website for more information: http://exelerus.com/apps/ghostradio

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